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When the Covid-19 crisis is over who do you want to be? Do you want things to just go back to normal?

I hear so many people comment “I will be so glad when this crisis is over so things can go back to normal”. Are you kidding me! I want things to be better than they were before the crisis.

I want to be smarter, I want to look back at this crisis and say that is was because of Covid-19 that I reconnected with my family, I realized how many I took things for granted.

What is the attitude in your home? Are you just getting by or are you making good use of the time you have to revisit that business idea you had, to take that Spanish class you always wanted to take but never had the time?

This week has been an incredible week for me! On Monday I was on Facebook and I saw an advertisement to join a RiseUp Challenge for the next 20 days. In this challenge, I learned ways on how to improve my mindset, create a powerful presentation for my coaching business, how to use Facebook Live and that was all in 6 days. If you are interested you can go to to read about the challenge or join the challenge, there are still 14 days to join. There is no requirement to buy anything, the event is totally free.

The main focus of the event is to help people make a shift and take this time to improve 7 different areas of their life. Today they have some very good speakers talking about parenting tips and also how to thrive during this time are asked to stay at home.


My favorite takeaway from this event was when we were asked to imagine writing a letter thanking the universe for what this crisis has empowered you to take action on.

I believe we have a choice, we can either look at this as an opportunity to improve ourselves or we can look at this as an inconvenience and settle for what our life was before it happened good or bad.

Please don’t misunderstand me I realize people have died and I am praying daily for the safety of every person on the planet that and for healing for those who have the virus because we are not out of the woods yet.

Please leave me a comment on how this crisis has changed your life and the lives of your family.



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