This post was contributed by Carly Alyssa Thorne, owner of Transformations Life Coaching and CEO of the Linked Local Network.

Typewriter With Special ButtonsIn today’s world of joint ventures, collaborations, self-publishing, or any publishing, your social media presence is paramount to that process and here is why.

  • Most contracts now have a clause that say you are also responsible for co-marketing
  • Sections of applications for publishing, being interviewed, speaking etc… now ask for links to your social media and ask about your reach as well as how many people are on your list.
  • People are looking to promote, collaborate, and refer people that have a solid foundation and base audience, because they know that the success rate will be higher for sales and outcomes.

In the end it always boils down to sales and outcomes.

carly alyssa thorne

Carly Alyssa Thorne

Here are some crucial elements to a solid social media foundation & presence that will engage others – having this in place will help your message and your publication go viral:

  • Think Social WE Media, social means engaging with others, have a two way conversation
  • Engage ~ don’t just broadcast
  • Be consistent across all platforms branding wise
  • Delegate marketing and social  media only to those who share your vision and core values.
  • Delete all marketing and social media that is no longer working, focus on what is.
  • Build a team of collaborators that believe in you and your message, and vice versa.
  • Build a referral list of people you like and trust and promote their services.
  • Create a catchy conversational logo and tagline that people will remember
  • Be the same person you are in person, on stage or off stage – authenticity and transparency is what people connect to.
  • Post quality, internationally shareable multi-media content that is a mix of quotes, pic quotes, questions, good articles, videos, and podcasts.
  • Post and Promote others from areas that are your passions, topics, etc… 80% of the time
  • Post your own unique contact the other 20% of the time
  • Remember you and your employees are your brand, so be mindful who you hire and what messages or images you are putting out there.
  • People want to get to know you beyond your brand or title and learn bits about your passions, your family, your life.
  • Post videos and podcasts of you either being interviewed or you interviewing others – both mediums allow people to hear what you have to offer in terms of your knowledge, passion, values etc…
  • Videos provide that extra multi-sensory, visual connection. People connect to others when they see a person’s body language, face and animation.
  • Regularly publish eBooks ~ they are quick and easy to do, and are great for give aways and downloads.
  • Create a library of your own quotes and pictures and use them in all of your social media. People love to connect with your own material.
  • Use your smart phone and take pictures of things that are your passions and then create picture quotes using your own images and your own quotes (or pay someone else to do them).
  • You have more content than you realize. Repurpose it. You can pull quotes and ahas to share from all of your blogs, podcasts, speaking, videos, interviews, etc.
  • -You can then also create Ebooks from your quotes and ahas. See how here:
  • If you do hire others to do your social media be involved in the content, wording style, values and messages that are being put out there.
  • If you use automation tools, make sure someone is monitoring it. Nothing is worse than a crisis happening like 9/11 or The Boston Marathon bombings and you are auto-tweeting things that could seem like you are uncaring and cold.
  • Regularly clean out your social media platform accounts of any shady followers and friendships.

If you’re an author who has built a strong presence online, do you have any other tips to add? We’d love to hear them.


Carly Alyssa Thorne is passionate about Conscious Business Collaborations -Transformations & Entertainment of the Mind, Body, Business & Spirit, as it is all interconnected. Carly’s Personal and Business Coaching-Consulting teaches the blending and Bridging of the East and the West in a grounded practical applicable way.

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