If you find yourself struggling to get ahead, it’s probably because you spent too much time chasing what is new instead of what is valuable.

If you find yourself struggling with relationships maybe it’s because you run to build new ones instead of “working it out” when the old ones show signs of stress.

Ever find yourself doing that?

You find yourself struggling with building business momentum maybe it’s because you run from idea to idea hoping that the next whizbang tool will be the magic elixir that solves all of your woes.

If you find yourself struggling with financial success maybe it’s because you’re not willing to do the unglamorous chores of saving more than you spend, investing more than you save, and denying yourself the toys that get in the way of saving and investing.

You can’t move forward because you’re not moving forward.

The reality of life is that you will experience stress, chaos, pain, and agony in your friendships, personal dreams, and business pursuits.

It’s not going to be easy, fun, or fair to achieve what you want for yourself.

Every day you’re going to be tempted to stop doing what is necessary in place of what sounds like an instantaneous win.

And it’s going to sound smart at the time.

Your mind is going to find a legitimate justification to help you avoid doing what is hard in place of what is new, easy, or flashy.

If you keep jumping from thing to thing when those things get hard, you’re never going to achieve anything.

If you’re going to get unstuck in your life then you’re going to have to achieve momentum even when it feels like that momentum isn’t getting you anywhere.

You need lots of momentum before you achieve even a little progress.

And you need lots of progress before you can achieve your audacious dreams.

And while that seems like a lot of work — and a lot-of-bit scary — it’s the honest antidote to solving what you feel now being stuck. It’s also the cure for feeling burned out.

  1. Do less each day, but do something every day.
  2. Stop sprinting maniacally after magic elixirs that worked for someone else.
  3. Start investing into building the foundation of your soul — hard work and determination.

Build upon the strength of daily progress.

Never stop moving towards where you want to be.

Stop chasing the easy way. Stop pretending like anything will change for the better until you deal with what is hard and uncomfortable.

Grind on, my friend. Grind on.

The post Why You Can’t Move Forward. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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