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If You Can Tough It Out, You’ll Figure It Out.

You’re tougher than you think you are. You can work longer than you think you can work. You can keep trying a few more times before you’re all out of ideas. You can think harder than you’re thinking right now. You can figure out a way to fix your...

You Don’t Get To Ask For Help Right Now.

Stop telling people what you want to do — and start doing it. Stop taking your big dream and outsourcing it to other people for their help. Take action for yourself. Find answers. Uncover options. Connect with people who matter. Help yourself do something...

If You Want To Be Lucky…

If you want to be lucky, work harder than everyone else around you. If you want to be lucky, practice delivering kindness to those you meet each day. If you want to be lucky, develop new skills before you need them. If you want to be lucky, be a good friend to the...