
I am here to help entrepreneurs stand out in their fields. My team and I offer top of the line SEO and social media services, as well as individual consultation services. However, my objective for you is for you to be the influential one in your field. For every package and service that I offer other than the consultation services, you will receive a free half hour consultation with me. I will help you narrow down how you can stand out, and go over the type of content that will be helping you build your tribe and gain incredible reception from new followers- which will bring you more exposure and more business!

Miriam Slozberg Latest Social Media E-book Co-Authored with Carly Alyssa Thorne is “Straight Talk About Klout & Social Media Infuence” can be found on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FIN61DY

KloutBookCover FB

To Contact Us:
Email us at: mirb7000@gmail.com or Call us at: 416-436-7163

You can also find us at:

Website: http://www.miriamslozberg.com/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/msmir



CHECK OUT MIRIAM’S RADIO SHOW: “Getting Social With Miriam”
Getting Social With Miriam

 Getting Social With Miriam Hosted by Miriam Slozberg Tuesday at 12 Noon CST a show about Social Media, Business and features influential guests in various niches. https://linkedlocalnetwork.com/getting-social-with-miriam/

Check out Miriam’s other podcasst; Friday – Noon CST “Expressive Mom – So Much To Say with so little Time”

Expressive Mom - Miriam Slozberg

Expressive Mom – Miriam Slozber

The podcast will focus on being a mom, parenting, and parenting children with special needs. There will be exclusive episodes on raising children with autism, as well as ADHD. However, the podcast will focus on other aspects of parenting such as:

  • How to communicate effectively with your children
  • Having your children do chores
  • Proper nutrition for kids
  • Bullying
  • Raising responsible children
  • Important life lessons for children, example: why failing is a great thing for them to learn.

The podcast will also focus on being a mom, as well as an entrepreneur (mompreneur), and how to juggle raising children while working. 

Who is Miriam Slozberg:

I was born and raised in Toronto Canada. I am a married mother of two children, and currently I am working as a social media and SEO consultant, and social media influence coach. I am the owner of Gemini Rising Ltd, an online marketing company and that was created in June of 2011. Before that however, I was practicing astrology and writing spiritually based books.

I will go more into the history of that. After living through a troublesome childhood, I developed an interest in esoteric sciences such as tarot, astrology, numerology and other esoteric studies. Not to mention, I always have been extremely intuitive and received my certification in astrology in 2006. I launched my astrology business in 2008, helping others understand their life’s purpose, as well as their past life karma which I called Ms Mir Astrology.

I always have had possessed a strong love for writing since since childhood. However, several events had happened in my life that had inspired me to finally launch my writing career in 2009. My writing use to include topics that involve past life and reincarnation phenomenon, astrology, afterlife, and others that are spiritual or historical. My first book was written in 2009 which was called, My Five Autobiographies: My Soul’s Experiences Lived through Five Recent Lives. It is no longer on the market as perhaps when the time is right, I will revise and put it out again. However here is a brief summary of what that book was about:

My Five Autobiographies: My Soul’s Experiences Lived through Five Recent Lives chronicles the personal journey of an old soul as she travels through her last five lives, providing an intriguing glimpse into the fascinating world of reincarnation, occult matters, karma, and the real reasons behind many of life’s challenges. This book was not only written to help her understand why she has had to go through the challenges that she had. However, this book is meant to help others understand the same. Like I had suggested, it is best to wait some time before purchasing that as it will be re-written and revised.

I released my second book in June of 2011, Stars Behind the Tortured Soul-Healing Past-Life Memories Through Astrology . This particular book appeals to a very narrow niche and do not market this one heavily. In fact right now I am focusing mostly on my social media and internet marketing work.

I developed an interest in internet marketing since 2002, around the time my daughter was born. However, I could not master network marketing like so many others and failed like 97% of network marketers. After taking several courses and hooking up with expert marketers, I had learned a lot and is helping other individuals succeed with their marketing efforts. This is what had inspired me to establish Gemini Rising Ltd.

Gemini Rising Ltd offers SEO, social media, blogging services and mobile services. The social media service is the hottest right now and have been conducting powerful social media campaigns for many business owners. Over the last few years I have learned how crucial it is for business owners to stand out in their niche and areas of expertise through many experiences I had learned from. In October 2013, I co-founded Social Influence University with Ronnie Tsunami, which is a membership educational social media influence platform. I am here to teach others what I have learned and why it is crucial that they are influential in their area/s of expertise. Contact me to find out more how I can help you!

Miriam has developed some new blogs and interests which include developing:
A mom blog called: Expressive Mom – So Much to Say with so Little Time
A Great place to explore for tips on life, kids, pets, parenting and more.

A Joint Venture with Carly Alyssa Thorne where they will offer Metaphysical Services like Astrological and Angel Readings and Social Media Services for Spiritual ~ Conscious minded people and businesses.


Miriam’s Main Website: www.MiriamSlozberg.com to find out everything that is going on.

Miriam’s Latest Blog Posts:

A Beginner’s Guide To Setting Up a Home Office

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Book Review: The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to Sewing Clothes – Expressive Mom

The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to Sewing Clothes is the latest book from Joi Mahon. The book is composed of all the skills a new or experienced sewer would benefit from learning or improving so that they can create a wardrobe of fashionable garments with an expertly...

How To Make The Most Out Of A Short Trip To Disney – Expressive Mom

Taking the family on a trip to Disney World in Orlando can be an enchanting experience. However, to get the most out of it, ample planning and prep work is often required. Knowing ahead of time which rides to ride, which places to eat, and which attractions can’t be...

How To Advocate for Yourself in the Workplace

To feel empowered and confident at your job, you must learn the importance of self-advocacy. You’re an essential cog in your company’s machine, and you deserve a healthy work environment. Learn how to advocate for yourself in the workplace and you’ll set yourself up...

Tips To Handle a Change in the Workplace

Change doesn’t always come easy to everyone. While some people remain enthusiastic, it’s nothing new when for some people to experience a bit of resistance. This is especially true in the workplace, as workers grow accustomed to the flow and speed of the environment....

10 Life Hacks Every Dog Owner Should Know – Expressive Mom

Fido is your pet, and you know that you want to give them the best possible life. However, the responsibility of caring for your dog is a big one, and dog owners would benefit from knowing about some important life hacks, especially when caring for their pets. That’s...

Smart Tips for Managing Time Better Through the Workday

Do you find yourself struggling to get through the workday? Does it seem like everyone else has time management down, but you can’t get it? We’re here to help you learn some vital time management skills so you can get back on track. Here are some smart tips for...

5 Tips For Taking A Mental Health Detox

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Great Ways To Recognize Your Remote Team Members

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7 Best Work At Home Jobs For People With Depression

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What Is The Solution To Keep Dust From Accumulating In Your Closet? – Expressive Mom

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How Social Media Is Kryptonite For Anyone With Mental Illnesses During The Era Of COVID-19

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