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No One Cares About Your Excuse But You.

The only one who really cares about your excuse is you. No one else really understands the reason or has a reason to care about the reason why you aren’t where you want to be. No one else is really concerned about the explanation behind your failure. It’s...

You’re Going To Have To Sacrifice Eventually.

You’re going to have to sacrifice eventually. That’s just how life works. You can either sacrifice now to achieve progress or you can sacrifice later when you’re still stuck. It’s uncomfortable to have to sacrifice now. It hurts emotionally and...

How To Escape Your Past.

The fastest way to escape your past is to find your future. To achieve your destiny. You have problems. That is always going to be true. Your particular situation might be worse than others. You might still bear the physical or emotional scars of your past. It’s...

Life Isn’t Fair. So What.

Growing up black in early 1900s Alabama meant growing up with distinct disadvantages. Inferior access to basic public services. A constant fear of attack–or worse, lynching. Percy Julian couldn’t go to highschool with other white people. He couldn’t even go to...

Why Good Advice Doesn’t Usually Work.

Not all advice is good advice. In fact, most advice isn’t good advice for you. The ideas themselves might be accurate. And the insight might have helped someone else create outrageously amazing results. But they’re not you. They don’t have your life...