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Are you on Steemit?

I have to say I am quite new to the concept of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, however there is a social network that my brother and sister-in-law had told me about recently called that will pay you in Bitcoin currency for posting, engaging and up-voting...

8 People You Should Be Learning From.

What lessons have you learned recently? What type of new ideas and inspirational thinking are you proactively putting into your head? What you learn determines how quickly you grow. If the only time you learn is when you make a mistake, your path to success will be...

You Don’t Care Enough.

When is the last time you were moved deeply in your soul? What is it that you feel so strongly about that it brings you to tears? It’s nice to pretend that you’re a “tough guy (or girl)” and that nothing bothers you. If you don’t care...

The Superpower of Hustle.

Great athletes train their muscles to respond with extreme precision even when the rest of their body is fatigued. A great golfer will often practice a particular swing hundreds of times per day and thousands of times over a year to create a memory for the muscles...

Switching Hands In Order To Win.

In 1936, Berlin, Germany held the world’s attention. But not for the government led by the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Their leader stood ready to prove the superiority of the Aryan race. Athletes from around the world traveled to the center of...