Cam Lemmon interviews Sharyn Abbott, Author, Speaker, Trainer, and entrepreneur.

Friday 02/01/2013 at 10 am (CT)

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Cam Lemmon

Cam Lemmon



Join Cam on Friday morning, February 1, 2013, as she interviews Sharyn Abbott, Author, Speaker, Trainer, and Entrepreneur.

Sharyn Abbott has captivated audiences from every walk of life from corporate to private; religious to law of attraction and everyone in between. She has a unique message which will bring you the results you want for your audience. If you’re looking for a special program, contact Sharyn today!


Sharyn educates and entertains the audience when she speaks at Stanford University talking about blogging and how having a blog can create International exposure for the students and faculty alike. Blogging is the fastest method of connecting with new audiences and is rapidly becoming the preferred site format.


Sharyn is known for her ability to engage the audience and motivate them to challenge their beliefs and conquer what has held them back from achieving the goals they have set in the past. Entrepreneurs and employees alike will find renewed enthusiasm for their achievements.


Camryn Oliver Lemmon, APR, CPRC , Writer, Editor and Author is the President, Founder and Public Relations Counselor at Oliver Consulting Group, Integrated Public Relations. Specializing in Integrated Marketing, Business Consulting, Public Speaking, Public and Media Relations, and Writing with a combined background in PR, IMC & politics.

She has been a business owner, consultant, public relations and integrated marketing communications professional for over 25 years, acquiring extensive education and experience with all stages of business growth and management, focusing her communications skills and services to professional service firms, manufacturing, commercial real estate, and retail industries.

As a published author and public speaker, Cam has taught classes and led seminars on topics concerning business management, marketing, and public relations. She has worked with the State of California, San Diego County, the Small Business Administration, and local chambers of commerce, SBDC offices in Florida and California in the development and implementation of programs designed for small and medium sized company successes.

She is also politically active and has consulted on numerous successful candidate and special issue races, grass roots, and bond measure campaigns.

Cam earned her Accreditation in Public Relations (“APR”) in 1986 and has been an active member in the National Speakers Association, among other professional organizations.

Oliver Consulting Group -

(205) 914-6845


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