by Regina Essel | Jun 30, 2014 | Columnist, News, Regina Easel, Social Media, women
You have a brilliant business idea. You’ve done your homework and you feel there is a genuine need. The only problem, how do you obtain seed money to get your idea off the ground? Depending on the type of business, you will need office space, furniture, equipment,...
by Regina Essel | Jun 11, 2014 | Columnist, News, Regina Easel, Social Media, women
Women have many life issues that can interfere with work and career, especially, since we’re usually the primary caregivers, not only of our children, but for extended family, as well. And, if you have two high-powered careers, most often, it is the woman who...
by Regina Essel | May 28, 2014 | Author, Columnist, News, Regina Easel, Social Media, women
Dr. Maya Angelou passed away, at 86 years old, this morning at her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She came from humbling beginnings, but was revered all over the globe. Her life could have taken a completely different direction than the one that she carved out...
by Regina Essel | Apr 28, 2014 | Author, Columnist, News, Regina Easel, Social Media, women
We’ve all heard how our body language can affect how other people perceive us. But, did you know that striking the right pose can make you feel more powerful and confident? Research by Harvard’s Amy Cuddy and Columbia’s Dana Carney have revealed that high-power poses...
by Regina Essel | Mar 31, 2014 | Columnist, News, Regina Easel, Social Media, women
Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, is on a mission! Following last year’s release of her controversial book “Lean In”, this month she launched a campaign to “Ban bossy. Encourage girls to lead.” An effort that will, hopefully, create more female leaders. Sandberg...