In times of a medical emergency, it’s critical to know how to respond. This applies to both humans and pets. Dogs can have allergic reactions, cardiac issues, get into poisonous materials, and much more. Giving your furry friend a forever home means you’ll be expected to provide permanent care — even in the event of an accident or emergency. Without being able to speak, animals can still communicate. It’s up to you to recognize the signs that your canine might need emergency care. 

If your pooch experiences a physical accident, fall, or other severe trauma, you might need to take it to the vet immediately. Some indicators of urgent care may include:

  • Rapid breathing
  • Weak or fast pulse
  • Lethargy
  • Aggression
  • Seizures
  • Bleeding
  • Isolation

Knowing how to act during an emergency starts with knowing what causes one. Be aware of foods, substances, and materials that can be consumed by your dog. For example, chocolate and most candies, grapes, dairy, other pet’s food, some houseplants, lawn fertilizers, antifreeze, and household cleaners are toxic to dogs

Fortunately, there are some first-aid options you can perform at home. If your hound is bleeding, elevate the wound and apply pressure with the cloth until you can go to an animal hospital. If your dog is choking, you might be able to remove the blockage with your fingers. If the object cannot be removed, apply repeated, sharp pressure on the chest to dislodge the object hopefully. Antiseptic creams usually treat minor burns from hot water, oil, chemicals, or ice. 

For more severe instances, a trip to the animal hospital may be necessary. If your pet gets bitten by another dog or wild animal, you might want to get it checked. Car accidents and poisoning necessitate a trip to the vet. When the incident involves internal consumption or injury, a veterinarian can diagnose and properly treat the wound or illness.

Though you should always provide a safe, clean and healthy environment for your four-legged family member, accidents inevitably happen. Be prepared for an emergency by knowing where to go and what to do. 

For more specifics on treating allergic reactions, seizures, poisoning, cardiac issues, etc., check out our resource. 

Author bio: Stephanie N. Blahut is Director of Digital Marketing and Technology for Figo Pet Insurance. Figo is committed to helping pets, and their families enjoy their lives together by fusing innovative technology — the first-of-its-kind Figo Pet Cloud — and the industry’s best pet insurance plans.

Dog Medical Emergency Guide created by Figo Pet Insurance.

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