When your employees have very young children they drop off every morning — often they are distracted with the “long goodbye” which can result in toddlers exhibiting behaviors that clearly show their dissatisfaction that Mommy is going to work instead of staying and playing with them.

While not all parents are hit with this everyday — it happens enough that Aila Malik, a Bay Area, CA based working mom wrote and published, Pocket Mommy, now available on Amazon.

The short paperback, with beautiful illustrations by Vincenzo Lara, tells the story of Zayan’s first day of kindergarten in which he is both nervous and sad about going to a new school. His mother cleverly comes up with the idea of creating a paper doll that he can carry in his pocket and know she is nearby thus giving him the confidence to begin his first day of school without her – yet still with her.

Pocket Mommy was written by Aila Malik as an innovative tool to help other moms help their young children successfully master the home to school transition. Having dealt with this challenge herself when her own son Zayan was in kindergarten, together they wrote Pocket Mommy in the hopes of making a difference with families in the same situation.

The back cover provides ethnically diverse Pocket Mommy cut-outs so the children reading the book can enjoy the experience of their own pocket mommy too. There are even tips for parents on how to debrief the school-day using Pocket Mommy as a tool to calibrate how much separation anxietyyour child experienced and when it happened.

With so many working moms facing this early morning struggle, HR departments should consider adding Pocket Mommy to their employee resource pages using the Amazon link:http://amzn.to/1eaMcMW

To request bulk copies, please visit: www.PocketMommy.org.

Pocket Mommy

Pocket Mommy

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