Larissa Faw

Larissa Faw

We share birthdays of the month, engagements and baby arrivals. We announce dates for the Chairman’s visit and when the new phone system will be activated. We include photos from the company picnic and the division awards ceremony. But after the internal messages are communicated, what are we providing to help employees be more engaged, focused, and prepared? How are we helping them get more context to understand their company goals better and how it all relates to the rest of the business world?

Now there is an affordable and easy way to add this to your employee newsletter through the new syndicated column, Business Round-Up: News, Development & Trends by Larissa Faw.

A business writer for Forbes, The Motley Fool and other major outlets, Larissa Faw has created a one-page format with a weekly round-up of easy-to-read briefs on company business, consumer trends, and products to watch for to provide readers with a fast yet effective “news you can understand and use”. Launching April 1 through Green Shoot Media for newspapers and newsletters, Business Round-Up can be added to your employee newsletters for the low rate of $7.00 per week (yes, seven dollars!!).

Business Round-Up is a great way for employees to learn about what’s going on in the world of business and help them stay current and conversant,” says Faw who has a tremendous following from her Leadership column in and as a contributor to The Motley Fool, Mediapost, and other online news publications. “We have gotten very positive feedback from HR departments who are subscribing and we are very excited about reaching many more companies and readers with Business Round-Up.”

For more info, please visit: Green Shoot Media Business Round-Up

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