“Money can’t buy happiness.”

“You’re just in it for the money.”

“The love of money is the root of all evil.”

There are few factors more limiting in your pursuit of success than money. If you don’t have enough to fuel your dreams, they will sputter out and die. That’s one of the “hard truths” we all have to learn (and sometimes re-learn in life).

You probably don’t have a rich uncle or a trust fund. Maybe you’re working two jobs and living paycheck to paycheck just to put food on the table for your kids. And it’s hard to know where to begin.

It’s okay to want to earn more money — as long as you have the right perspective. Money isn’t magical, elusive pixie dust that only a few accidentally stumble upon like buried treasure.

Money is a tool.

It’s not the “end all, be all”. Life is not a contest to see who can have the shiniest toys.

  • Stupid financial decisions will leave you broke and hurting (and maybe a little hungry).
  • Get rich quick schemes will leave you getting broke quick (or thrown in jail).
  • Spending less will leave you with enough to fuel your passion (and you can always spend less).

Take Kurt Varner. He was so desperate to join Silicon Valley, that he lived out of his car for 4 months on $219 a month before landing a product design job at a startup.


What expenses can you cut?

These are the conversations we need to have about finances. That you need to have. Alone. With your spouse.

Be willing to do whatever it takes to keep funding your passions.

Let’s have an “EDGY” conversation about money on the 10th episode of The EDGY Perspective.
episode 10 watch now

The post Is Greed Good? [EPTV] appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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