be a little scared, and thrive?

Have you ever done a double take? At home we would affectionately say, “Look the guy totally rubba-neck?”  I’m doing a ‘rubba-neck’.  I’m considering the possibility of saying no, being scared and thriving all in the same space.

You bet they contradict me.  But I don’t feel like it’s a bad thing.  This week, I’m wondering whether I should or should not say no to a new client.  As I consider the possibilities, the voice of reason, reasons with me.

Someone who’s gone through this asked me, “Does the project move you closer to your bigger picture?  How would you feel if it came to be?  How do you envision it, if you were selected?  Or, what would it look like if it didn’t happen?”

As I jam through the questions, I state the obvious, “it will take the slack of projects dropping off.”  Why state the obvious?  What about the not so obvious?  Do I want to do it?  Will I receive satisfaction and will it inspire me?

Then I drifted to thoughts of…could I do the work?  Could I create for them like I create for myself?  Does the project and the synergies of the project make me better?  Can I add value to the project?  Then I wondered could the client manage the time commitment?  As important as they say it is, will they step up?  Is it important to consider, “there’s going to be bigger projects.”

Really the latter questions are not nearly as important as, “Will it inspire me and does it get me closer to my goal?  Answering these questions truthfully is your best offense.  You are a champion when you have a clear vision.  An absolute visionary when you know your ideal client.  You are a Vince Lombardi when you know your ‘yes’ projects.  If  impulsiveness gets the best of you, count on a rocky climb or at least a tenuous journey.

Solopreneurs Dilemma…fear vs. inner voice

As solopreneurs, there is a subjective area that falls outside the black and white of a decision.  An area where our body responds with a gut reaction.  Or a gut feeling that requires more thought.  And then there are those signs when we feel the tenseness or pulsing of the temples.  All of those responses should be considered when making a decision.  A trusted colleague asked, “I hear you but what is really bothering you?”

Our Inner Voice

Listening to our inner voice, the way our body feels when we are in the thought of things should not be discounted.  It really is important because it’s our natural self weighing in on what we can’t see.  When you’re clear about your ideal client or an ideal project, it’s a simple exercise.  Seriously!  “Does this person and the work inspire me?  No.  Move on.  If the answer is yes, consider your na’auao voice and go for it.

At the end of the day, if you are inspired, regardless of the conditions, the journey will exceed your expectations.  And as I live in the lives of generations who are inspired, I take one step at a time knowing I will be guided with grace and humility.  IMUA!

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