I want to share an opportunity to reflect, revive and renew in a fall setting at the Wellwood Farm in Gridley, IL. Co-sponsored by my new friend and associate Jackie Wellwood, the event is from 8 am – 8 pm Saturday, Sept. 26.

Enjoy a peaceful day, take time to slow down, walk around the farm, visit the chickens and horses and stroll along the country fields. Reflect about your life journey, revive your energy and renew your soul with presentations by Jennifer Cross and Jackie.

During the morning, Co-host Jennifer will help participants reflect about where they are and where they want to be in her program, “The Hero’s Journey To Self-Discovery!” Jennifer is the founder of Authentic Living & Wellness, a health educator and food addictions expert who leads clients to new heights of self awareness, self-love and happiness.

Lunch and a rest time will be followed by the awe-inspiring story about how Jackie revived her soul as she discovered the beautiful within while raising and homeschooling seven children and writing three books. Jackie is an author, speaker and life coach who left her house in the suburbs to make a home on the farm.

“The day will be comprised of many relaxing, reflecting, peaceful and energizing moments. Reflection and group discussions will be interspersed with image journaling, vision boards and Mandala coloring,” Jackie said.

“Or participants may prefer to nap, meditate, practice yoga, enjoy tea with friends, explore or wander the country and breathe in the fresh air as they choose their way to reflect, revive, renew,” Jackie added.

Cost is $75 and includes three meals, snacks and tea time. A special sunset event has been planned to wrap up the day. Participants are also welcome to stay for a fireside/bonfire visit.

Jackie said space is limited and suggests you register soon at http://tinyurl.com/nnxdc9y


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