The Mighty Mind

Free Your Genius Within

Joanne Telser-Frère

Joanne Telser-Frère

To be re-aired on October 4,2013

Click here to listen to The Mighty Mind

Are You The Creative Type?

Have you ever thought about creativity? What is a creative thinker? Do you have to be an artist to be creative?  Or maybe you are one of those people who says, “I’m not the creative type…”

Rae Luskin, gifted Chicago artist, author and teacher will answer these questions and more as The Mighty Mind focuses on creativity and the mind.

Although Rae’s first book Art From the Heart, published in 2010 is geared towards children, adults could also benefit from the exercises in creativity she proposes to stretch one’s mind. For example, you can practice visualizing in a new way, using relaxation and breathing to help. Rae suggests using music, poetry, scribbling and doodling to open your mind. She challenges our executive functioning to solve problems using a “mandala”, the Sanskrit word for a magic circle.

Creative Thinkers and Their 8 Habits

Did you know that creative thinkers have 8 habits? What are they? Rae will let us in on the secret! We will also discuss Mind Mapping, thinking BIG, and giving our selves the permission to PLAY!

The Creative Edge

What is a “creative edge”, how can you stimulate yours? Join us as talk about your ability to make something happen or to create something new!

Rae Luskin

Rae Luskin

Rae Luskin is currently writing her second book: The Winning Adventure: 101 Interviews with Extraordinary Leaders. Her art work is featured in the novel Shine the Light by Rachel Lev and can be found in numerous private collections. In 1999, she founded Art & Soul Connections which is dedicated to providing easy to follow creative experiential workshops and tools, for self-discovery, personal growth and healing. Visit Rae’s website here.

Train your brain to help ward off dementia

How can you stay mentally young and alert as the years go by? What are the ways that you can ward off dementia?

The brain rules our bodies, our reactions, our emotions and so much more. For more information please contact me!

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