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The Hard Truth About Gaining Experience.

There are many things in life you will only learn through experience. And the only way to get that experience is through hard work. Not brains or degrees or mastermind groups or friends who have been there before. You have to do the work to get the experience....

The Joy Of Finishing What You Start.

You will always learn more from finishing a task than from beginning a new one. You’ll learn about how tough you are. Especially when it’s easy to generate legitimate reasons for stopping. In those moments – when you make the decision to finish that...

Kids and Smartphones

s — although not as obvious — may be just as great as driving a car among other things. Kids are typically between 10 and 12 years old when they get their first smartphone. Even though smartphones are great for keeping families connected, they also require a lot of...

Automatically Awesome?

Possibility is what you make it. It’s possible to fail despite being the favorite to win. It’s not impossible to win big despite being the person expected to lose. Your possibility is fueled by the choices you make. The decisions you make each day...