Is it really possible for work to express your passion and unique gifts?  What’s the revolution going on in our relationship with work? 

SeanAiken250Join us on the On Purpose Show as we interview Sean Aiken, creator of The One Week Job Project – an inspiring journey across North America in which he worked 52 jobs in 52 weeks to find his passion.

Sean has been featured on TEDx, in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, TIME, Globe & Mail, on CNN, 20/20, The Rachael Ray Show, Good Morning America, MTV, CBC, CTV, and countless other media outlets around the world. His book, The One Week Job Project, is published by Random House USA and Penguin Books Canada.

Sean shares the inspiration and deeper meaning behind the One Week Job movement. He suggests that we’re experiencing “a revolution in work consciousness. A shift in how we as a culture view work and our relationship with it.” He believes that expressing our passions and unique gifts lead us to greater fulfillment both individually and collectively.

Thursday, March 13th. Noon  central time.

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Every Thursday at Noon Central

OnPurposeShow250Join the On-Purpose radio show on the Linked Local Network with Susyn Reeve and Rikk Hansen as they open doors to discover & live a lifework that’s alive with purpose.

Susyn and Rikk share compelling conversations with midlife professionals, entrepreneurs, experts, and authors successfully doing work that expresses their purpose & passion. Learn the secrets and resources from their stories and experience to inspire your on-purpose success. 

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