by Mike Stewart | Aug 22, 2021 | Author, Family, Mike Stewart
Are you wondering how you can bring back that loving into your marriage? Do you remember what it was like when you and your partner would spend time cuddle on the couch or while lying in bed? Do you remember when the touch of your partner made you lean into their...
by Mike Stewart | Aug 16, 2021 | Author, Family, Mike Stewart
To learn step five of how to recapture the magic in your marriage this week will focus on the letter N N stands for negativity. We must eliminate negative thoughts about our partner in order to restore the magic we once had in our relationship. The best example or...
by Mike Stewart | Aug 8, 2021 | Author, Family, Mike Stewart
L-E-A-R-N Step Four of How to Recapture The Magic In Your Marriage To help you learn the fourth step to recapture the magic in your marriage we will focus on the letter R R stands for Remember. Remembering why you fell in love, what attracted you to your partner, and...
by Mike Stewart | Aug 1, 2021 | Author, Family, Mike Stewart
L-E-A-R-N Step Three of How to Recapture The Magic In Your Marriage Awareness Step three to recapturing the magic in your marriage has to do with creating a new awareness. A new awareness about yourself and about your spouse. Let’s start by taking a look at the...
by Mike Stewart | Jul 25, 2021 | Author, Family, Mike Stewart
L-E-A-R-N Step Two of How to Recapture The Magic In Your Marriage To learn the second step to recapture the magic in your marriage we will focus on the letter E. E is for educate. You need to educate yourself, who you really are what it means to be alive and why you...
by Mike Stewart | Jul 18, 2021 | Author, Family, Mike Stewart
Step One of Five to Recapture the Magic in Your Marriage L is for Let Go Let go of what you think you know about your relationship with your spouse, be open to learning a new way to create more awareness in how you relate and respond to one another. Your marriage...