Who am I? My smart ass self always instantly wants to reply Jean Valjean but that’s my love of theater coming through 🤓 My name is Frances I am 42 and live in the beautiful county of San Luis Obispo in Ca. By day I work for Central Coast Medical Aesthetics working behind the scenes on marketing and helping with daily operations. When I’m not in the office I am building my own business with Arbonne International, teaching others how easy it is to live a healthy lifestyle or enjoying life with by boyfriend Jason and fur babies Maddie and Buddha.

Health and wellness is a huge passion for me for many reasons. My own health issues (both physical and emotional) watching friends and family struggle with their own battles (some leaving this earth way to early) has made me appreciate the utmost importance of self care and self love. Through this blog I will share my personal journey of pushing through times when work life balance was nowhere to be found and the consequences of allowing life to get out of control. I will pass on lessons I have learned ( as well as in the process of learning) as well as tips and tricks on how living a healthy life from the outside in and the inside out is more achievable than ever. Be well and never give up.

Until next time, carpe diem!!!!

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