Allow me to introduce myself

Who am I? My smart ass self always instantly wants to reply Jean Valjean but that’s my love of theater coming through 🤓 My name is Frances I am 42 and live in the beautiful county of San Luis Obispo in Ca. By day I work for Central Coast Medical Aesthetics...
Writer’s Block

Writer’s Block

I am experiencing writers block. In a world in which I meet so many people, experience so many experiences, and go through a lot in any given day, you’d think I would have been ready to write my blog today. I’m not ready. Even worse, I don’t know why...
Uber Experiences April 29 – May 3

Uber Experiences April 29 – May 3

I was having coffee and talking to some friends this week when I mentioned that I had to wrap-up because I had to start “Ubering”. They both looked at me funny and one of them said “I didn’t know you were driving for Uber, how long have you...
The Pun Club

The Pun Club

pun [pən] NOUN puns (plural noun) a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings. “the pigs were a squeal (if you’ll forgive the pun)” synonyms: play on...